Contact Vicki R. ([email protected]) regarding any website issues.

Website last updated: 09/19/24 (Click on Arrows for dropdown menus. Hyperlinks throughout website are underlined.)

** DISTRICT 5 **

– Members of Alcoholics Anonymous –


Mid-Southern California Area 09 /

Pacific Region





We are a group of sober, grateful, and service-minded, fellowship members of Alcoholics Anonymous.


Note: Based on MSCA09’s (August 11, 1996) ASC Meeting Minutes, District 5 has been holding their meetings at the Church of the Foothills since at least August 1996.


(Description provided by Mid-Southern California Area 09)

“A district is a geographical unit containing the right number of groups – right in terms of the committee member’s ability to keep in frequent touch with them, to learn their problems, and to find ways to contribute to their growth and well-being.

The number of groups per district varies widely, from as few as five in a rural district, to 90 or more in a metropolitan district.  Population density and the geographic size of the district, which will affect the ability of the D.C.M. to communicate with the groups, would be key factors determining the number of groups a district will have.

LINGUISTIC DISTRICTS: To encourage participation of the maximum number of groups, some areas have incorporated linguistic districts within their structure.  These districts are made up of groups that conduct meetings in a language other than English.  They usually have a bilingual D.C.M. or liaison.  Their boundaries may be independent of the conventional geographic district boundaries.”



(Held the Monday night prior to the Thursday night District 5 Monthly GSR Meeting. All District 5 members are invited to participate in the Steering Committee Meeting.)

Next Meeting Date: Monday – September 9, 2024

Time: 6:00pm PT

Zoom Meeting ID: 897 037 1755

Zoom Passcode: 06101935


(Held every 2nd Thursday of the month)

Next Meeting Date: Thursday – September 12, 2024

Time: “GSR School / Orientation” for New GSRs – 6:30pm PT (In-Person Only)

Time: “Business Meeting” (All GSRs) – 7:00pm to 8:30pm PT

In-Person: The Church of the Foothills

Address: 19211 Dodge Ave., Santa Ana (No. Tustin), CA 92705 (Corner of Newport & Dodge)

Zoom Meeting ID: 897 037 1755

Zoom Passcode: 06101935

Meeting Agenda:

district 5 AREA ZONE…

Note: Clicking on City logo will open up their website in a new window.

Boundaries: From the southwestern corner of the city of Santa Ana at McArthur Boulevard and the Santa Ana River. North along the western city limits of Santa Ana to the City of Orange at Garden Grove Boulevard. Along the western and northern city limits of Orange to the Riverside County line. South along the Riverside / Orange County line to Black Star Canyon Road. Southwest on Black Star Canyon Road to Santiago Canyon Road. West on Santiago Canyon Road to Orange City limits. South along Orange and Tustin city limits to Santa Ana. West along Santa Ana city limits back to the southwestern corner of the city of Santa Ana at MacArthur Boulevard and the Santa Ana River.

Please Note:


“I am Responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,

I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that:

I am responsible“.

~ Alcoholic Anonymous © (A.A.)

Did you know?? “Old Preamble Used by Early Groups OF A.A.




(Fourth Edition)

Acceptance14, 417, 420
Anger64, 67, 111, 308, 312
Balance130, 131, 146
Depression106, 127, 207
Faith16, 55, 68, 117
Fear67, 68, 79, 145, 292
Freedom26, 83, 352
Gratitude75, 192, 275
Happiness83, 117, 159, 206
Honesty58, 140, 570
Humility68, 88, 566
Jealousy82, 119, 131
Meditation86, 87, 88
Patience90, 123, 126
Prayer63, 70, 552
Promises75, 83
Recovery58, 143, 317
Resentment64, 117
Self-Will60, 62
Serenity68, 550
Understanding8, 112
Willingness26, 118, 153, 162, 214, 570

** DISTRICT 5 **


District 5 of MSCA09

P.O. Box 3374

Tustin, CA 92781-3374


Please Note: Due to missing / non-archived District 5 historical information, below is just a ‘bit of history’ on District 5 and is an ongoing ‘work in progress’. District 5 is extremely grateful to Mitchell B. (our current MSCA09 Panel 72 Delegate / Past MSCA09 Archives Chair and District 5 Panel 66 Secretary) for the district information he was able to provide us. Be sure to check out Area09’s Archives website: for more ‘fellowship’ history. Or better yet…go and visit the archives at: MSCA 09 Headquarters, 7111 Arlington Avenue, #B, Riverside, California 92503.

Please Note: District 5’s “District Committee Member Chair (DCMC)” position was originally titled / known as “District Committee Coordinator (DCC)” until May 1989 when MSCA09 passed a motion to change the title of the position. The position title change was due to those districts in MSCA09 having created “subdistricts”.

1940’s History:
  • 1946: A meeting group named “The Midway Group”, which met on Wednesdays, was formed in Orange, California.
    • Source: “55 New Groups Register In Month” / Grapevine, Nov. 1946
  • 1947-May 12: In order to pay their May 1947 bills of $145.00, the ‘Joint Committee Meeting’ sends out a ‘division of the costs’ breakdown letter to the Orange Group (City) and other applicable (Los Angeles and Orange county) groups reflecting the group’s requested / responsible for portion of those $145.00 costs. Per the letter, Orange Group (City) portion was $10.00.
    • Source: Early-Area-09-1941-1947.pdf
  • 1947-Aug: Orange Group at Woman’s Club of Orange (Meeting Day: Friday) is listed in ‘AA LA Meeting Directory’.
    • Source: AA LA Meeting Directory – August 1,1947
1950’s History:
  • 1957: “In 1957 Southern California Area 5 was divided into 33 districts and renumbered (most of the order of the renumbering is unknown, but assume was numbered 1 through 33). Districts 20 and 29 formed what is now Area 9. Prior to the renumbering of the districts, District 5 was made up of Districts 60 and 63 in the old Area 5. After the renumbering it was part of Districts 26 & 27.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Archivist – Mar. 2002
  • MSCA 09 was first known as “California Southern Coastal” and nicknamed “Panel 2” because of its even year term. At the time of the split, Districts 1 through 10 were formed. However, the cities / sub-districts within District 5 were not the same as our current District 5. (This was also the case of other Districts.)
    • Source: Mitchell B. / Past MSCA 09 Archives Chair – May 2019
  • 1958-Oct 12: Election of new delegate and area officers took place.
    • Source: MSCA09 Archivist – Mar. 2002
  • 1958-Nov 16: First meeting of new Area 9 was held.
    • Note: Area 9 was not officially recognized, and terms did not start, until January 1959.
    • Source: MSCA09 Archivist – Mar. 2002
  • 1959-Jan: Area 9 officially recognized, and terms started.
    • Note #1: Area 9 got an early start back in Oct. 1958 due to having the duty / responsibility of hosting the “1960 International Convention”.
    • Source: MSCA09 Archivist – Mar. 2002
    • Note #2: Orange and (parts of) Santa Ana were a part of what was then District 7.
    • Source: Mitchell B. / Past MSCA09 Archives Chair – May 2019
    • Note #3: The “25th Anniversary International Convention”, hosted by Area 09, was held July 1-3, 1960 in Long Beach, CA.
  • 1959: “Current day District 5 appears to be part of Districts 6 & 7.
    • Source: MSCA09 Archivist – Mar. 2002
    • Note: Santa Ana – Districts 6 & 7 / Orange – District 7
1960’s History (Beginning of District 5’s “area zone” as we know it today):
  • 1961-1966: “Area Rosters / Documents are missing.
    • Source: MSCA09 Archivist – Mar. 2002
  • Btw. 1961-1963: Districts 2, 4 & 5 were re-districted and Districts 12 & 13 were created from those 3 districts. (Information does not reflect names of cities and/or meeting group locations.)
    • Source: Mitchell B. / Past MSCA09 Archives Chair – May 2019
  • 1963: A.A. meetings (within the original District 5) that are listed in various issues of Orange County Intergroup’s 1963 “LIFELINE“:
    • ORANGE
      • El Modena “63” Group – McPherson Jr. High School, 333 So. Prospect St. – Monday 8pm
        • Note: In the October 1963 issue, the above meeting location is noted as being “Esplanade School, 11672 Esplanade.
        • Note: In the December 1963 issue, the above meeting location is noted as being “225 1/2 No. Broadway, Santa Ana
      • Interpretation of the 12 Steps Group (C) – First Presbyterian Church, Maple & Orange – Tuesday (no time noted)
      • Orange Center – 418 North Cypress – Thursday 8pm
      • El Modena Latin-American – La Purissima Mission Center, Center St. (1/2 blk. W. of Alameda) – Thursday 8pm
      • Orange Friendly Center Group – 424 North Cypress – Friday 8pm
    • SANTA ANA (Due to the inclusion of boundary lines for Santa Ana when today’s District 5 was re-zoned, some of the addresses of the “1963” Santa Ana meetings may not be within today’s District 5.)
      • Patio Group – 818 South Gates – Sunday 11am
      • Open AA-Alanon Speaker Group – The Villa, 1668 E. Fourth St. – Sunday 7:30pm
      • Bridgehouse Discussion – 517 No. Euclid – Monday (no time noted)
      • El Modena “63” Group – 225 1/2 No. Broadway – Monday (no time noted)
      • Elements of AA Steps and Discussion – The Villa, 1668 E. Fourth St. – Monday 8pm
      • Women’s Discussion Group (C) – The Villa (Step House), 1668 East Fourth St. – Monday 8pm
      • Wednesday Night Speaker Group – 225 1/2 North Broadway – Wednesday (no time noted)
      • Wednesday Evening Discussion (C) – 625 North Grand (Conference Room) – Wednesday 8pm
      • Santa Ana Friendly Group – 307 E. McFadden – Friday (no time noted)
      • Santa Ana Group (One Hour Speaker Mtg.) – Ebell Club, 625 French St. – Friday (no time noted)
        • Note: September issue reflects meeting location as “Izaak Walton Club, 1714 West Santa Clara Ave.
      • Women’s Friday Morning Discussion (C) – The Villa (Step House), 1668 East Fourth St. – Friday 11:30am
      • Beginners Question & Answer Group – 225 1/2 No. Broadway – Saturday 7:30pm-8:30pm
      • Discussion – 512 W. 1st St. – Sunday 11am
      • Women’s Study Group (C) – 512 W. First, Santa Ana – Monday (no time noted)
      • Alano Speakers – 512 W. First St., Santa Ana – Tuesday (no time noted)
      • Santa Ana Stag Study Group (C) – 512 W. First St. – Wednesday (no time noted)
      • Alano Participation – 512 W. First St., Santa Ana – Friday (no time noted)
  • 1965: Original District 5 absorbed into District 2. New District 5, which is the current one today, was created.
    • Source: Orange County Lifeline – Nov. 1965 & Mitchell B. / Past MSCA09 Archives Chair – May 2019.
    • Note: Ellery S. (Past MSCA09 Panel 20 Delegate) wrote the following: “…Now we hope to be the midwife at the birth of District 5. Recently our Genera1 Assembly remapped our districts. Most or them changed their boundaries only slightly, but one inactive district was absorbed into a nearby active district, and its number, 5, was assigned to the Santa Ana – Orange – Tustin region, which was formerly part of the relatively enormous District 7. That was fine, but nothing happened, because District 5 didn’t realize it was being born. Our Workshop decided to help. A Committee Member was appointed to serve until elections could be held, and we invited them to join with us, together with the G.S.R.’s of his district, until they had grown enough to go out on their own. Perhaps “invited him” isn’t the right word, because we held our next meeting at his home. The growth hasn’t been spectacular, but already District S has doubled in representation: in addition to the Committee Member, one other group was represented. For next month, other members of our Workshop will work to stimulate interest among the groups of that district, and if we are lucky, Warren and Betty’s home will be too small to hold everybody who shows up. Perhaps I should have waited a month to write this. I almost did.
  • 1967-Jan: “It appears the boundaries of districts had been redrawn and/or renumbered and District 5 looks to cover the same cities as it does today.
    • Source: Mitchell B. / Past MSCA09 Archives Chair – May 2019
1970’s History:
  • 1970-Dec: Ellery Stowell (Past MSCA09 Panel 20 Committeemen’s Chair) “…District 5 committeeman had not attended any meetings and GSR’s should keep it in mind to elect someone interested in general service”.
    • Source: MSCA09 Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Dec. 20, 1970
    • Note: In prior 1970 MSCA09 meeting minutes, Frank O’R. was reflected as District 5’s committeeman.
  • 1971-Apr: “ATTENDANCE REPORT. Jack W. reported on the results of a letter he sent out as encouraging.  Received many answers from districts.  Has four names in District 5 and will send out another letter this week to secretaries in that area to get a committeeman for District 5.  Will also be put in the ‘ Lifeline’. John McA. commented that for all meetings in 1970, District 5 had one GSR attend. No one so far this year…”
    • Source: Southern Calif. Panel 2 General Service Assembly Meeting Minutes – Apr. 4, 1971
  • 1971-Feb: Frank O’Rourke reflected as committeeman (aka DCMC).
    • Source: Southern Calif. Panel 2 Service Committee Roster – Feb. 11, 1971
  • 1971-Jul: Due to GSO’s preference of Area09 having a name other than “Panel 2”, the Area votes to change its name to “Mid Southern California Area”.
    • Source:
  • 1972: 26 Groups in Orange County.
    • Source:
  • 1972-Jun: Area directory being put together by Mid Southern California Area reflects District 5 as having “One group listed, 1 GSR, 0 alt., 1 secy.
    • Source: MSCA09 General Service Committeemen’s Meeting – Jun. 11, 1972
    • Note: Only having one group listed may have been due to being the only group at the time having returned the Area’s requested form.
  • 1973-Mar: Noted in Area’s Special Committeemen’s meeting minutes; (District 5 panel 22 DCMC) “Virgil D. has not been able to get to the meetings”.
    • Source: MSCA09 Special Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Mar. 11, 1973
  • 1974-Mar: Per MSCA09’s Panel 24 Chairman (Jerry F.), Frank A. is District 5’s DCMC.
    • Source: MSCA09 Committee Members Meeting General Service Minutes – Mar. 10, 1974
  • 1974-Jun: District 5’s DCMC (Frank A.) did not attend Area’s meeting. However, Area’s Chairman (Jerry F.) stated the following District 5 information: “meetings are being held and there is interest. A chairman has been selected to handle the clubs in the district“.
    • Source: MSCA09 Committee Members Meeting General Service Minutes – Jun. 9, 1974
  • 1975-Mar: Frank A.(District 5 Panel 24 DCMC) “stated he is involved in the Southern California Convention in Bakersfield and asked for volunteers to work in any capacity; that their first planning meeting was to be held April 20 at 2:30 pm at the Glendale Club, 225 N. Maryland.
    • Source: MSCA09 Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Mar. 9, 1975
  • 1975-Apr: Jerry F. (MSCA09 Panel 24 Chairman) “said he visited Districts 3, 5, & 7….”
    • Source: MSCA09 General Assembly Meeting Minutes – Apr. 13, 1975
  • 1976-Apr: SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS BY AREA COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN AND OTHER OFFICERS – Question #5 “To what extent should we encourage AA members to work as volunteers for agencies in the alcoholism field – Gene S.” In his talk, Gene (District 5 Panel 26 DCMC) stressed the fact that the most important point about a person who is a member of AA working for agencies in this field is the maturity of the individual involved. There is no objection, with reservations, if he is ready and matured enough. The most successful method has been AA, however, other people may do it through a different path.
    • Source: MSCA09 General Assembly Meeting Minutes – Apr. 11, 1976
  • 1976-Sep: Gene S. (District 5 Panel 26 DCMC) “…reported District 5 is holding GSR Workshops the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Orange Co. Central Office in Santa Ana for new and old GSR for orientation.”
    • Source: MSCA09 General Assembly Meeting Minutes – Sept. 26, 1976
  • 1976-Sep: “District 5 had its initial meeting recently of GSR’s…”
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Sept. 1976
  • 1977-Apr: Gene S. (District 5 Panel 26 DCMC)…”reported his District is meeting the first Friday of each month at Mercury Savings and Loan at 7:00 PM, located at Irvine and Newport Blvds.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Area Assembly Meeting Minutes – Apr. 3, 1977
  • 1977-Apr: “…A Saturday night institutional meeting will begin soon at Care Manor in Orange. This is a comparatively new development for institutional committees. Historically, such committees have gone into detention-type hospital and penal facilities. This meeting in Orange is the first of its type in a private hospital in Orange County…”.
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Apr. 1977
  • 1977-Jul: Gene S. (District 5 Panel 26 DCMC) and Jo Anne A. (District 5 Panel 26 Alt-DCMC) “…reported summer slump; trying to revive interest and get new GSRs.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Area Assembly Meeting Minutes – Jul. 10, 1977
  • 1977-Oct: MSCA09’S FORMATION OF THE C.P.C. COMMITTEE (Cooperation with Professional Community) – Gene S. (District 5 Panel 26 DCMC) reported very favorably to the forming of the Committee — and also, had one or two people in District who were very much interested in serving on the Committee.
    • Source: MSCA09 General Assembly Meeting Minutes – Oct. 9, 1977
  • 1977-Dec: Gene S. (District 5 Panel 26 DCC)“reports interest in working with the spanish speaking groups in his area. They are attempting to train and make better communications.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Dec. 11, 1977
    • Due to District 5 not having an elected / volunteer DCC in 1978, Jerry Frolich aka “Jerry F.” (Past MSCA09 Panel 26 Delegate) volunteered to be District 5’s “acting” DCC.
  • 1978-May: Jerry F. (Past MSCA09 Panel 26 Delegate / District 5 “acting” DCC)…”sent out letters to 30 groups in (District) 5 and received 1 reply. He read us a very sarcastic (!) letter which had us all in stitches which he sent to the Groups. He then told us he did not mail it. So, he is getting the District started again and learning to be patient!”
    • Source: MSCA09 Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – May 14, 1978
  • 1978-Jul: “District 5 (Orange, Tustin, Santa Ana) will have had their first District meeting in over a year by the time this newsletter goes to print. About four members responded to a contact. Time and place of the second District meeting will be July 23, 1:30 P.M., Staff Clinical Conference Rm. – Care-Manor – 401 So. Tustin Ave. – Orange. Time and place will also appear monthly in the Orange County Lifeline….if you are a group General Service Representative (GSR) in Tustin, Orange or Santa Ana, mark down the date and try to attend.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Jul. 1978
  • 1978-Sep: Jerry F. (Past MSCA09 Panel 72 Delegate / District 5 “acting” DCC) …”had two GSRs with him today. They (District 5) are considering meeting with (Districts) 6 and 7 for a time until they grow. They are thinking of starting a Workshop with these other groups on the role of the GSR.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Sept. 10, 1978
  • 1979-Jan: Jerry F. (Past MSCA09 Panel 72 Delegate / District 5 “acting” DCC) resigned as District 5’s “acting” Panel 28 DCC due to the “press of business”.
    • Source: MSCA 09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Jan. 14, 1979
  • 1979-Mar: District 5 is noted as being in-active in the “NEW GSR’S THIS IS YOUR CONTACT or M.S.C.A. WHO’S WHO!” section of MSCA’s newsletter.
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Mar./Apr. 1979
  • 1979-Mar: MSCA09 Delegate (Goldene Lahann – Panel 28) requested that Alt-Delegate (Denver Colvin – Panel 28) make an attempt to get District 5, which included Santa Ana, Tustin and Orange, going again. Alt-Delegate accepted.
    • Source: MSCA09 Officer’s Meeting Minutes – Mar. 21, 1979
1980’s History:
  • 1980: District 5 and District 18 held a few of their monthly meetings together.
    • Source: MSCA09 – District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – 1980
  • 1980-Jan: (Camille) Francis (District 5 DCC) …”had her first meeting on Thursday. Jerry F. showed Box 459 to eleven GSR’s. She brought one new GSR with, Alvin.”
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Jan. 13, 1980
  • 1980-Jul: Frances-Camille (District 5 DCC)…”meets with District 18. At their meeting last Thursday Denver & Frank gave reports on New York and New Orleans, respectively.”
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Jul. 13, 1980
  • 1980-Sep: Camille Frances (District 5 DCC)…”says her district meets with District 18. She introduced us to a new GSR, Ken M.” (Ken “45” M.)
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Sept. (14), 1980
  • 1981-Sep: Ken M. (District 5)…”said their last meeting was small but he introduced us to 2 new GSRs, Bobby and Don.”
  • 1981-Dec: Ken M. (District 5)…”introduced us to a new GSR, John. Lois W. and Bill V. talked about General Service at the last District Meeting.”
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Dec. 13, 1981
  • 1982-Jan: Ken M. (District 5 DCC Panel 32)…”said they had 9 GSRs at their November meeting, 5 at their December meeting and 2 in January meeting. People are interested but don’t attend meetings.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Area Assembly Meeting Minutes – Jan. 11, 1982
  • 1982-Mar: Ken M. (District 5)“says their meeting is the 1st Thursday of the month with much enthusiasm shown. They received a letter from N.Y. on the committee they were to discuss.”
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Mar. 14, 1982
  • 1982-Oct: District 5 held Oct. 1982 meeting at Ken “45” (D5 Panel 32 DCC) house due to low attendance at Sept. meeting.
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Sept. 12, 1982
  • 1983-Jan: District 5 holds meetings the 1st Thursday of the month and changed meeting locations.
    • Source: MSCA09 District Committeemen’s Meeting Minutes – Jan. 9, 1983
  • 1983-Oct: Sharon K. of District 5 recommended MSCA09 hold their next two (2) years Assemblies at the Villa Center in Santa Ana. Motion made, seconded, and passed.
    • Source: MSCA09 Area Assembly Meeting Minutes – Oct. 16, 1983
  • 1984-?: District 5 starts meeting at Unity Church, 710 S. Cambridge, Orange.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Oct. 14, 1984
  • 1984-Dec: District 5 plans to get a P.O. Box.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Dec. 9, 1984
  • 1984-Dec: Highlights from the December 9, District Committeemen’s Meeting – “District 5 enticed seven of its members into showing up today and they had about 30 at their last meeting. The groups seem to be supporting the district and Tom K. is the new secretary.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Jan. 1985
  • 1985-Jan: Ken “45” M. of District 5 accepted as Chair of 1985 4-Area Sharing Session.
    • Source: Mid Southern California Actions for the year 1985 –
    • Note: Ken M. attended his first MSCA09 meeting in September 1980, as a new GSR.
  • 1985-Mar: District 5 mans the General Service booth at OCAA Convention.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Mar. 10, 1985
  • 1985-May: Ken “45” M. from District 5 moves MSCA09 establish a District “20” that would cover all of MSCA. Lindy seconds. Carried.
    • Note: District 20 is a Spanish Speaking District.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – May 5, 1985
  • 1985-Sep: District 15 has plans – “District 15 and District 5 have joined forces to participate in a GSR workshop scheduled for their next district meeting September 5. Jerry F. will put on the workshop.”
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Aug/Sept 1985
  • 1986-Jan: District 5’s DCC, Tom K., reported that insurance is required in various meetings at Churches in in his area (District 5).
    • Source: MSCA09 Assembly Meeting Minutes – Jan. 12, 1986
  • 1986-Apr 02: District 5 holds a “Secretary’s Night” at the Elk’s Club in Santa Ana. The topics were Prudent Reserve, Steering Committees, Donations, and Responsibilities.
    • Source: District 5 Flyer – 2008
  • 1986-Aug: District 5’s Ken M. (DCC Panel 32) accepted as MSCA09’s GSR Chair. His theme “Make myself always available“.
    • Source: MSCA09 Assembly Meeting Minutes – Aug. 23, 1986
  • 1988-Mar: District 5’s Elaine S. (DCC Panel 38) reports District 5 meetings have moved from the Orange County Central Office to the Denny’s restaurant on 17th St., just west of the 55 fwy., in Santa Ana.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Mar. 20, 1988
  • 1989-Feb: District 5’s DCM Mary Jean L. shared for DCC Elaine S. that the District is rapidly outgrowing its Meeting facilities and is presently seeking new accommodations.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Feb. 12, 1989
  • 1989-May 21: By MSCA09 motion made and adopted: “Change District Committee Coordinator (DCC) to District Member Chairperson (DCMC)“.
1990’s History:
  • 1992-Jan: District 5 has two group members volunteer for MSCA09 positions; Elaine S., as CPC Co-Chair, and Nick M., as Newsletter Editor.
    • Source: MSCA09 Assembly Meeting Minutes – Jan. 12, 1992
    • Source: MSCA09 Area Newsletter- Feb. 1992
  • 1992-Oct: District 5 hosts MSCA09’s October 11th Assembly at the Santa Ana Southwest Senior Citizens Center – 2201 West McFadden in Santa Ana. Per Meeting Minutes, “Once again, D5 outnumbered the audience with 22 participants. Most Districts had at least 5 members present.”
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Oct. 11, 2992
  • 1992-Nov: MSCA09’s November ASC rollcall reflects “Once again, District 5 outnumbered the audience with 22 participants“.
    • Source: MSCA09 Area Newsletter – Nov. 1992
  • 1993: District 5 is holding monthly GSR meetings at Southwest Senior Citizen Center (2201 W. McFadden, Santa Ana, CA)
    • Source:
  • 1993-Nov: District 5 had 14 attendees at MSCA09’s November 14th ASC meeting. Per meeting minutes, “D5, 6 and 12 had a great turnout, with 14, 14, and 12 members, respectively. There was a total of 114 people in attendance.”
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Nov. 14, 1993
  • 1994: Current District 5 cities of Orange, Tustin, Santa Ana, and Villa Park reflected in “MSCA09 Atlas Map”.
    • Source: MSCA09 Atlas Map – Dec. 1994
  • 1994-Feb: District 5 voted to begin a new GSR orientation beginning with the March District meeting.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Feb. 13, 1994
  • 1994-Mar: Per District 5’s DCMC, Joanie L. (Panel 44) – District (5) has begun a one-half hour G.S.R. orientation, prior to their (March 10th) district meeting and five G.S.R.s attended. She also reported that she had tried something she had heard about at PRAASA, and that is letting each G.S.R. give a report on their Group, somewhat similar to the District Rollcall at Area meetings and that it was well-received.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Mar. 13, 1994
  • 1994-Sep: Per District 5’s DCMC, Joanie L. (Panel 44) – District 5 needs an Alternate DCMC and will be holding a “Secretary/Treasurer’s Appreciation Day” on September 18 at the Santa Ana Senior Citizen’s Center.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Aug. 14, 1994
  • 1995-Feb: District 5’s DCMC, Joanie L., reports that District 5 will be having an Open House / Potluck on March 9th, 7pm-8:30pm at the Sister Elizabeth building (St. Joseph Hospital), 1100 W. Stewart Dr., Orange, CA. Jim T., G.S.R. School Chair will be the featured speaker. District meetings are held at the hospital (St Joseph) on the 2nd Thursday of the month, and the Alternate DCM has started a meeting in the same room on all other Thursdays of the month for the purpose of studying the A.A. Service Manual and all other facets of our 3rd Legacy.
    • Source: MSCA09’S ASC Meeting Minutes – Feb. 12, 1995
  • 1995-Mar: District 5’s Secretary, Dee H., attended PRAASA ’95 in Washington. $200.00 was funded by District for her to attend.
    • Source: MSCA09’s ASC Meeting Minutes – Mar. 12, 1995
  • 1995-May 20: Proposal presented by District 5 GSR, Doug H., that “A.A.W.S. publish the A.A. Service Manual in a pocket-sized edition”. After a discussion session, the question was called and, lacking substantial unanimity, the proposal was defeated.
    • Note: This proposal came from Doug H.’s home group.
    • Source: Mid-Southern California Area Actions for the Year 1990
  • 1995-Aug: District 5’s Alternate DCMC, Vern H., reports that District 5 is looking for a new place to have the district meetings.
    • Source: MSCA09’s Assembly Meeting Minutes – Aug. 13, 1995
  • 1995-Nov: District 5 elects their Panel 46 (1996/1997) Trusted Servants: DCMC/Vern H., Alt-DCMC/Kat T., Secretary/Carlos H., Treasurer/Eileen K. District 5 also hosted MSCA09’s November 12th ASC at the Backs Community Center in Placentia, CA.
    • Source: MSCA09 ASC Meeting Minutes – Nov. 12, 1995
  • 1996-Aug: District 5’s DCMC (Panel 46), Vern H., reports that District 5’s meeting has moved to Church of the Foothills, (19211 Dodge Ave.) Tustin, CA.
    • Source: MSCA09’s ASC Meeting Minutes – Aug. 11, 1996
  • 1997-Oct: District 5’s monthly rent to Church of the Foothills (19211 Dodge Ave., Santa Ana / N. Tustin, CA) was $25.00.
    • Source: District 5 Meeting Agenda & Financial Report – Oct. 1997
  • 1998: District 5 begins the process of creating the first set of their own version of “Guidelines”.
    • Note: In a cover letter attached to the first draft of guidelines, and dated 9 June 1998, Michael M. writes the following: “The draft District 5 Guidelines are a copy of the District 7 Guidelines from the early 1990’s. These Guidelines are being used as a baseline for our District 5 Committee to shape the Draft into a set of Guidelines that will serve our District 5.”
  • 1998-Apr 05: District 5 hosts MSCA09’s “Pre-Conference Workshop” at 424 W. 3rd St., Santa Ana.
  • 1998-Aug: District 5 hosts MSCA09’s August 9th ASC Meeting at the Southwest Senior Citizen’s Center in Santa Ana, CA, and had twenty-five (25) members that helped with the event.
    • Source: MSCA09’s ASC Meeting Minutes – Aug. 9, 1998
  • 1998: A.A. Survey: 2,000 groups were selected. 18 of those groups were in MSCA09. 2 of those 18 were in District 5.
    • Source: District 5 General Service Meeting Agenda – Aug. 13, 1998
  • 1998-Oct: District 5’s (Panel 48) DCMC, Rose K., reports that District 5 has developed a pamphlet for suggesting a year 2000 Conference theme which contains a form for the groups to fill out and mail back to the District in order to get a better informed group conscience.
    • Source: MSCA09’s ASC Meeting Minutes – Oct. 11, 1998
  • 1999-Mar 21: District 5 holds “Guidelines Review” meeting at Val Verdes Estate Clubhouse, 446 South Tustin Ave., Orange.
    • Source: District 5 General Service Meeting Agenda – Mar. 11, 1999
  • 1999-May: District 5 group approves and issues their first set of “Guidelines”.
    • Note: The Guidelines took fourteen (14) months to create and go through the review, edit / revise process before finally being approved.
    • Source: District 5 General Service Representative Meeting Minutes – May 13, 1999.
  • 1999-July 18: District 5 Memorial Service held at Santa Ana Alano Club for Ken “45” M. (past District 5 DCMC / Panel 32).
    • Memorial Flyer – July 1999
  • 1999: Current District 5 cities of Orange, Tustin, Santa Ana, and Villa Park reflected in “Friendly Notes”.
    • Source: Orange Friendship Club / Friendly Notes – Sept. 1999
  • (New) 1999-Oct: District 5 and 20 host MSCA09’s Area Election Assembly at the SE Senior Citizen’s Center, Santa Ana.
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Aug. 1999
    • Source: Orange Friendship Club / Friendly Notes – Sept. 1999
  • 1999-Oct: District 5 has group do a nine (9) question “District 5 Inventory”.
  • 1999-Oct 03: District 5 and District 20 co-host MSCA09’s October 3, 1999 Elections.
2000’s History:
  • 2000-Jan: District 5 begins its first ‘revision’ review of their ratified “Guidelines”.
  • 2000-Apr: District 5 approves and issues their “Guidelines-Rev. A”.
  • 2001-Jan: District 5 begins paying $35.00 per month rent to Church of the Foothills.
    • Source: Church of the Foothill’s Building Use Committee letter – Dec. 14, 2000.
  • 2001-May: 112 meeting groups known to be within District 5.
    • Source: District 5 “Redistrict Study” – May 2001
  • 2001-May: District 5 goes from having six (6) sub-districts to twelve (12).
  • 2009-Nov: District 5 to host MSCA 09’s January 10th, 2010 Area Assembly at Elks Lodge, 212 Elks Lane, Santa Ana.
    • Source: District 5 General Service Meeting Minutes – Nov. 12, 2009
2010’s History:
  • 2010-Jan: District 5 hosts MSCA09’s January 10th Assembly at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge.
  • 2010-Apr: Per District 5 approved Motion; Villa Park meetings are absorbed into the East Orange sub-district.
    • Source: District 5 General Service Meeting Minutes – Apr. 18, 2010
  • 2012-Feb: Per District 5 approved Motion; District 5’s annual “Budget” changes toFinancial Forecast”.
    • Source: District 5 Committee Meeting Minutes – Feb. 9, 2012
  • 2013-Oct: District 5’s Panel 62 (2012-2013) DCMC, Joe C., elected MSCA09’s Panel 64 (2014-2015) Alternate-Delegate. His MSCA09 position officially starts Jan. 1, 2015. His “service vitae” reflected the following: “ALTERNATE DELEGATE: Joe C. – Home Group: Coffee maker; Chips, Literature; Secretary; Treasurer; Intergroup Representative; GSR. District: Secretary; GSR School Chair; Alt. DCMC; DCMC; Chair ad hoc committee for Guidelines review. Area: Served on Finance Committee”.
    • Source: MSCA09 Newsletter – Volume 37, Issue 8 – November 2013
  • 2014-Aug: District 5 hosted MSCA09’s August 13th ASC Meeting.
  • 2015-May: District 5 hosted MSCA09’s May 15th Assembly.
  • 2015-Oct: District 5’s Panel 62 (2012-2013) DCMC, Joe C., elected MSCA09’s Panel 66 (2016-2017) Delegate. His position officially starts Jan. 1, 2016.
  • More will be revealed…
Old Flyers (1980-2019):


Alcoholic Anonymous © (A.A.): “The general service representatives (G.S.R.s) of the U.S. and Canada are the foundation of our general service structure. Just as members make up a community, each A.A. group is part of a larger whole. Through your G.S.R., you can make your group’s voice heard.

Each group’s G.S.R. usually participates with the G.S.R.s of other local groups in regular district meetings. There the G.S.R.s discuss plans and make decisions on how to best serve the local groups. They also learn more about what is happening in A.A. world service. G.S.R.s also take part in area assemblies. They give input to those who represent your area at the General Service Conference.

  1. GSRLISTW – (Contents of General Service Representative (G.S.R.) Kit List)
  2. G.S.R. General Service Representative” (P-19) Pamphlet
  3. The A.A. Group Handbook
  4. GSR App
  5. AA ‘Group’ Change Form (Please return to District 5)
  6. AA ‘New Group’ Form (Please return to District 5)
  7. AA Group History Form (Please return to District 5)
  8. Area09 “2023” Meeting Event Calendar
  9. District 5 Monthly GSR Meeting Agenda: Applicable meeting month’s agenda will be posted when available.
(Updated) NEW GSRs and ALTERNATE GSRs – District 5’s Monthly GSR Meeting: September 12, 2024
  • Kendra C. (Alt-GSR): Forever Non-Professional / Orange Friendship Club
ALL GSRs – As of District 5’s Monthly GSR Meeting: September 12, 2024

Group #




























12:00 P.M. Step Study Group

777 Newcomers Men Stag Group

Copy Cats

Early Birds Group

Forever Non-Professional

It’s in the Book

Hart Park Newcomers Group

Keep it Simple Group

Ladies Night Book Study

Monday Night Mens B.Y.O.B.

Name in the Hat

Other 12 & 12 Group

Quality Serenity

Saturday Night Visiting Speakers Grp

Serenity Sunrise

Sober & Crazy Speaker Meeting

Sunday Morning B/B Study Group

Tuesday Night Men’s Stag

Tustin Acceptance Meeting

Tustin (6am) Attitude Modification

Tustin Big Book Study

Tustin Rush Hour

We Got A Coffee Pot Mens Stag

Wed Nite Womens Solutions Grp

Women’s Emotional Sobriety

Women’s Unity Group


Angelique Y.

Loren V.

Arrielle T.

Cole H.

Eric S.

Gloria Z.

Matt D.

Ana A.

Lien Ly G.

Tyson H.

Ryan P.

Lily W.

Kyle B.

Joey P.

Bob M.

Scott S.

Zadwiga H.

Matt F.

Curt B.

Scott P.

Jim L.

John R.

Will G.

Lana W.

Lisa H.

Pam T.

   “We are the General Service Representatives.  We are the link in the chain of communication for our groups with the General Service Conference and the world of A.A.
     We realize the ultimate authority is a loving God as he may express Himself in our Group Conscience.   As trusted servants, our job is to bring information to our groups in order that they can reach an informed group conscience.  In passing along this group conscience, we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship.
     Let us, therefore, have the patience and tolerance to listen while others share, the courage to speak up when we have something to share, and the wisdom to do what is right for our group and A.A. as a whole.”

DID YOU KNOW THAT…During the MSCA09 Area Assembly meeting held on June 11, 1985, under “New Business”, the changing of the GSR Preamble was brought up. At that time Goldene L. (Past MSCA 09 Delegate – Panel 28 1978/79) was asked to write up a rough draft. Her draft (the above / current version) was approved and accepted by the MSCA09 Area Assembly during their January 12, 1986 meeting.

** Original Version of the GSR Preamble **

District Committee Member Chair
Vicki R.
Alternate-District Committee Member Chair
Arrielle T.
Ryan. P.
Greg A.
Kyle B.
For description of duties, click on applicable service position.
Your Name??
Mitchell B.
Cooperation with Professional Community (CPC):
Your Name??
Convention Liaison:
Matt D.
Chris D.
General Service Representative (GSR) School:
Kyle B. (Sub)
Hospital & Institutions (H&I) Liaison:
Lana W.
Intergroup Liaison:
Loren V.
Steve C.
Vicki R. (Sub)
Public Information (PI):
Your Name??
For description of duties, click on applicable service position.
Women’s Day:
Your Name??
Women’s Evening:
Chris D.
Men’s Groups:
Mitchell B.
East Orange/Villa Park/East District 5:
Your Name??
West Orange:
Your Name??
Orange Friendship Club AM:
Chris D.
Orange Friendship Club PM:
Chris D.
Santa Ana (Northeast & Southwest):
Your Name??
Santa Ana Alano Club:
Your Name??
North Tustin:
Tyson H.
South Tustin:
Matt D.
For description of duties, click on applicable service position.
Cake Services:
Steve C.
Steve C.
For description of duties, click on applicable service position.

You can find information on all District 5 positions in the “District 5 Guidelines Rev. J FINAL_2023-10-11 // Approved November 8, 2023“.

Looking to be of service?? ‘District 5’ has the following OPEN service positions that they would love to have you fill.

  • Women’s Day
  • Santa Ana (Northeast & Southwest)
  • Santa Ana Alano Club

Did you know that being a “DCM” is a great opportunity to attend a meeting (or meetings) you may not have before?

  • Accessibilities
  • C.P.C.
  • GSR School
  • Newsletter
  • Public Information (PI)
  • All Positions Filled

“The A.A. Group…where it all begins” (A.A. P-16)

“Is Your Group Linked to A.A. as a Whole?” (A.A. SMF-104 Rev. 6/22)

COMING SOON: A master list of all the known meetings / groups in District 5 is in the process of being finalized. The list will be as accurate as the available resources (MSCA09 / GSO Database, OCAA Online Meeting Directory, and District 5 Database) allow from the information they have received from the individual meetings / groups.

A great reminder of how important it is that the meetings / groups update District 5 in order for us to update our database and then forward the information onto MSCA09 / GSO whenever there’s a change (GSR, meeting location, in-person / hybrid / virtual, etc.). Bottom line…’Progress Not Perfection‘!


> Needs Your Help Filling Chairs:

Meeting GroupDay and TimeLocationMeeting Type
Men’s BYOBMonday –
7:00pm to 8:00pm
Alders Gate Church
1201 Irvine Blvd.
Tustin 92780
(In the back on the 2nd floor)
*Men’s Meeting
*Big Book Study
*In-Person Only
Saturday Night Visiting Speakers GrpSaturday –
8:00pm to 9:30pm
Community of
Christ Church
395 S. Tustin St.
Orange 92866

Zoom: 620 819 804
Passcode: aa
*Speaker Meeting

Sunday Night Speakers of OrangeSunday –
7:00pm to 8:30pm
Revive Covenant Church – 250 S. Prospect, Orange 92869*Open

*In-Person Only
Underlined meeting names have links to flyers

> New Location:

>Meeting Change: Now Meets “In-Person” Only

  • List of Guidelines Prior to Rev. G
    • Rev. F: 2015-September 10
    • Rev. E: 2013-May 13
    • Rev. D: 2009-June 9
    • Rev. C: 2009-January 8
    • Rev. B: 2009-November 9
    • Rev. A: 2000-April 13
    • Original Ratified Guidelines: 1999-May 13
MOTIONS: 2022/2023
(Updated) FINANCIALS / CONTRIBUTIONS: 2022-2023-2024
TREASURER REPORTS: 2022/2023/2024









District 5
P.O. Box 3374
Tustin, CA 92781-3374

Send Money with Zelle®

Scan in your banking app to pay.

District 5 (Mid-So Ca Delegate Area 09)

[email protected]

NEWS4U” NEWSLETTERS (Issued Quarterly): 2007-2024

Have a personal share on “Experience, Strength and Hope”, or an alcoholic / recovery-related poem, joke, or graphic, you’d like to submit for a future issue of the newsletter? If so, please email it to District 5’s Newsletter Editor (Vicki R.) at: [email protected]. Submissions are always welcome and appreciated!




As per Page 6 of “A.A. Guidelines on Conferences, Conventions and Roundups” (3M – 10/19 (GP) Rev. 1/19 MG-04): How do you know whether or not an event is an “A.A.” event? The criteria generally in place for an event to be considered “an A.A. event” is that it be put on by A.A.s, for A.A.s and about A.A. It’s up to the group conscience of each A.A. group what criteria they consider when deciding on what announcements will be made. Some group consciences ask that all announcements be limited to subjects only as they relate to the A.A. group’s business. Some groups decide that announcements regarding “events” be made before or after the A.A. meeting; and some group consciences have determined that announcing A.A. “social events” is within the definition of an A.A. group’s primary purpose.”

In Memory Of…

Thank you for visiting District 5’s website. we hope you come back and visit us soon! BETTER YET, COME AND JOIN US AT OUR NEXT MONTHLY MEETING!!